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(2) TEXT
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Text will form the basis for most documents. You can use Frontpage express much like a word processor. If you are happy already with doing that click here to skip the basics.

To edit text you have typed is easy. To make simple corrections such as spelling move the pointer to the site and left click. Delete or insert as required.

To alter or copy a large area of text simple move pointer to one end hold left mouse button down and move so the target area is highlighted. Once happy release (take care not to re-click) and the area should remain highlighted.

If you want to move the text to elsewhere in the area you have already typed left click on the high lighted area but hold down until you have reached the target area.

To cut text out move the cursor to the highlighted area rightclick and hold down to select cut.

cut and copy box

To copy then paste the text elsewhere move the cursor to the highlighted area right-click and hold down to select copy. Quickly left click to unhighlight and then move cursor to target position. Left click so type cursor appears then hold down right-click and select copy the release

Alternatively he cut, copy and paste functions can also be achieved by either selecting the edit menu

or the relevant icons on the standard tool bar .

There are 2 ways to change text about

(1) Changing Font, Text size & Colour individually

The first method allows you to change text font, colour or size or to underline, bold or italic is similar.

Highlight then select the appropriate icon from the standard tool bar These are on the middle of icons. These give a series of options.First there is a pull down menu for font type followed by options for the making text bigger or smaller and then icons for italics bold and underlined text


Alternatively select Format ->Font on the menu. If you click on area but don't highlight when you type on from where you have changed you continue to type in the new style.

(WARNING underline text can confuse the viewer into thinking its a link.)


(2) Using Headings & other test styles

The Second way is to use the change style box (lies to the left of the font type box described above). HTML allows you to use a set of predetermined text styles the most common are the headers (e.g. <h1> in tags). This saves the hassle of increasing and decreasing text size for effect


This is Heading1

This is Heading3

This is Heading 6

List are a useful way of dispalying text

This is a defined term
and if you hit return it becomes a definition
Hit return & defined term again
& so on
  • This is a
  • bulleted list
  • & is called elsewhere an unorderd list
  1. Whilst this is a numbered list
  2. which is often called an
  3. ordered list

We wouldn't recommend the directory list option (looks like bulleted list and is a depreciated set of tags)

Either set this before typing or highlight text afterwards (can do this as well by right clicking over selected text)

When you're finished hit return twice to return to normal text tor select it from the menu

(3) Changing Alignment & Position

To align the text (either left, centre, or right) either click cursor on the line you want to align or highlight the area, then click the appropriate align icon (alternately select format -> paragraph then pull down alignment box)

If you simply type away your text will warp to fit the window. The problem with this is that if you adjust the window the warp alters. One solution is to use line breaks
(hit shift + Enter at same time - a little icon should appear).

Alternatively use return to create paragraphs with space between (the best solution is to use tables but these are more advanced)

(4) Hyperlinks

We'll discuss how to create hyperlinks so your text can link to other places on your page, site or web elsewhere

But by now you should have the bones of your page set up. back to top

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