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<marquee> tags

The <marquee> tag is a useful way of creating scrolling messages which can be seen on internet explorer

like this one

This is simply coded by

<marquee>like this one</marquee>

You can add the following attributes within the <marquee> tag

behavior (note US spelling)
Describes how text should behave

example one scroll

This is <marquee behavior="scroll">which is the default and causes text scroll off one side completely before starting again

example 2 slide

here behavior="slide". Text scrolls all the way over but doesn't disappear

example 3 alternate

behavior="alternate". Here text goes back and forth across the page

sets the direction of movement (default is left)

here direction="right"

no of times the marquee will operate or set at infinite( this doesn't always work so try using a high no e.g 3000)

This determines the no of pixels covered

here <marquee scrollamount="4">

here <marquee scrollamount="12">

Sets in milliseconds the delay between each movement of text

bgcolor, width, height & align
allows you to set the background colour of the marquee, width in pixels it occupies and the height it occupies. Align sets the marquee possition relative to neighbouring text (top, middle or bottom)

e.g bgcolor="#D8BFD8" width="300" height="30"

vspace and hspace
operate just as they do with images setting space either left and right (hspace) or at the top and bottom (hspace) between the marquee and surrounding text and pictures

However you can't see marquees with netscape (boo hiss !!! because they are quite fun). The best way to replicate this is using JavaScript. There are tons on the web - check out our links section

Here's an example