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GETTING HITS >Links, Webrings, Forums  

Getting Hits - 3
Simple ways of getting Hits


I. Get Links On Other sites

The easiest way of getting people to your site is by links from other sites

Almost every site on the web will have a list of links to relevant sites (see this sites ones for example)

It's easy to try to get a link from another site

Just ask !!! (they can only say no)

Look for the e-mail of the person who runs the site, and just ask if you can link. It is usually a courtesy to offer to put up a reciprocal link on your site theirs (the old "I'll scratch my back if you..."). Some sites even indicate they're happy for you to go and link without asking

The web is a funny palace and don't be dishearten if you get rejected or unanswered, but most people will be more than happy if they think your site will be of use to their viewers.

Obviously you'll need to get links from sites that are relevant (e.g. if your site is about Castles in Scotland, you're likely to get lots of people clicking through from a site about holidays in Scotland. Whereas you'll be less likely to get people clicking through from a link on a site about pet gold fish). If you can't think of any relevant sites, have a rummage on a search engines.

Also don't forget to think laterally. For example if you've a football club webzine think of other sites which might be indirectly linkable to your one. For example to webzines on your national football team, websites about your team's home town or your teams sponsor's website and so on..

II. Webrings

Webrings are not dissimilar to the simple link. Essentially they allow a lot sites with a common interest to link together, without displaying a massive list of links. You'll come across tons on the net. Here's a mock up one

The basic web resource site webring

The Basic Web Resource site ring

next | random | next 5 sites | list | Join

As in this mock up clicking on the options will often take you to either a random site linked to the ring, list all or just some other sites

They're very popular with fan sites, web published fiction and a host of wide ranging of subjects.

You can easily submit your site to join (they're all vetted by someone who started to the webring). They're free to join and usually easy to submit to join a ring if you come across one that fits your subject matter

If approved you'll usually be given a short piece of HTML to cut and past onto your site that will display the logo of the webring and links within it.

If you can't find a suitable ring check out the webring section at yahoo or ring surf.

If something suitable doesn't exist, why not start your own. These sites can help you set up for free

III. Newsgroups or Forums

Newsgroups and forums predate the current, multicolour, all singing & dancing HTML Internet. Today you can find newsgroups on every subject known to man (and often numerous groups for each subject!!)

With a great deal of caution you can mention your site in an appropriate group or forum. But take care.....

Serious word of caution here.

Newsgroups and forum users do not take to blatant advertisement. Submit a message which all it does is advertise your site and if you're lucky the moderator of the group will remove it. If unlucky expect to be "flamed" big time (i.e. tons of abusive e-mails) or worse !!!

To do it safely, find a posted query that you and your site can help with. In your reply, you can include you site's URL, but only if it's done in a dignified manner (say you have a site about car museums. Responding to a question on lists classic cars museums, it is fair to put up a reply answering the question and saying your site has a list of classic car museums if it does).

Always be understated and tactful. Even with this you can still be flamed

By A. Duncan ©2001

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page 2 - changes to your pages
page 3 - links and webrings
page 4 - search engines
page 5 - adverts